May 19, 1995 U-2 Spy Plane Revision A This is a revision model of the U2 Spy Plane used I created a little bit back. The flight model is a little better due to the tendancy of this aircraft not wanting to get on the ground. New to this version: Engine plant reduced to one engine measuring at 600 lbs thrust. More spoiler drag, more flaps drag, and less flaps lift to help with the steep landings. Special thanx to: Chuck Dome for his ingenuity into hacking the AIR files and his AirMod program we all probably love and use. MicroSoft for the great program and the sleep loss trying to figure out where to look for the special places to turn to within their files. I'd like to get as much feed back as possible on this so feel free to drop me a line at (HDHD10C) on P* or at through the Internet. ’rnold Ÿuller